January 1st is known as the great equalizer. We all have the same opportunities for success. You can accomplish feats never reached before. Your responsibility is to set realistic goals and develop the actions plans necessary to implement immediately. Make sure to share your goals and objectives with a trusted friend, advisor, mentor, etc. and ask them to hold you accountable for the implementation and follow-up you will need.
Here’s a thought; Why not shorten your year to 3 months as oppose to 12 months. Create a sense of urgency in your day to day, hour to hour activities. What you’ll find is that you won’t have any time to waste. Once you’ve accomplished the goal, make sure to reward yourself. Along the way, it’s also important that you acknowledge the small victories achieved on the path to the bigger prize. This will keep you motivated.
Make sure to remember that 2011, can be a new beginning!