During the meeting of the Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Governing Board on Sept. 26, county officials approved funding for the Town of Cutler Bay’s Franjo Road improvement project.
The area affected includes Franjo Road from Old Cutler Road to SW 184th Street. The $8,946,758 approved funding for this Complete Streets project will see that section of Franjo Road improved by changing it from two to three lanes which will include a center turn lane, curb and gutters, shared use path, storm drainage system, pavement markings and signage, signalization, and roadway lighting.
The project will be similar to improvements made on Old Cutler Road and Caribbean Boulevard, completed in 2014 and 2017.
Town Mayor Tim Meerbott attended the meeting, along with Councilmember BJ Duncan, town manager Rafael Casals and town attorney Mitchell Bierman. Mayor Meerbott personally thanked the TPO Governing Board.
“I’m excited for the opportunity to have Franjo Road become as beautiful as the Complete Streets projects we finished on Old Cutler Road and Caribbean Boulevard,” Mayor Meerbott said. “Not only will this project improve traffic and safety on Franjo Road, but it will also provide drainage improvements that will assist in preventing flooding, making us a more resilient town.”
The need for the Franjo Road improvement project was identified through feedback town officials received at public involvement meetings conducted while Cutler Bay was developing its Complete Streets Master Plan, which was funded by a TPO grant.
For information regarding the
Franjo Road improvement project, contact the Public Works Department at 305-234-4262.
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