Older women may be able to increase their muscle strength by adding fish oil supplements to their exercise program. Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and may enhance the benefits of training. Researchers found that three months of training helped to increase muscle strength among 45 healthy women in their 60s. Those who took fish oil each day had somewhat greater gains, and did better on a test where they had to sit down and rise up from a chair several times in a row as fast as they could. Fish oil (EPA/DHA) is generally considered safe at recommended doses, but at high doses can interfere with clotting. Fish oil can also enhance the effects of blood pressure lowering medications, so be sure to discuss with your doctor or pharmacist. Many common side effects – such as bad breath, heartburn, nausea and loose stools – can be avoided by using a quality product recommended by our professional staff.
Reference: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, January 4, 2012.