It is hard to believe our town will be celebrating its 10th anniversary at the Founder’s Day celebration in February. We have come a long way in these years.
As I write this I remember working to incorporate our area, as far back as the 1990s. We incorporated primarily for safety, more police officers per shift. Well, incorporation came through with its promise. We now have a superb police force, with at least four times the number of officers we had when unincorporated and our crime rate is significantly lower. We also wanted the ability to define ourselves through zoning, create our own destiny, not have undesirable facilities foisted upon us.
Having finished an award-winning road project on Old Cutler Road we are just about to finish Caribbean Boulevard. Together these projects amount to $18 million in funds we would not have received before we incorporated.
We have our own hometown high school, so desirable that children are on waiting lists to get in.
We provide a circulator bus that carries more than 1,900 riders each month, again with outside funding.
We have added 50 acres of park land in Lakes by the Bay Park, a promise the community waited 25 years for. All of our parks have been updated with new fields, lights and playground equipment.
When I first served on the council in 2006 our mayor, John Cosgrove, carried around a cardboard box containing our town seal; he called it “Town Hall.” We now have an entire building, housing our employees, our police force, as well as other tenants.
It is a glorious time for Cutler Bay, the little engine that could. The best part is we have stayed a small town. This is due in no small part to our commitment to you to provide the very best personal service, while keeping your taxes low.
Town Hall is staffed with experienced, caring employees, who make the daily operation go so smoothly. We are able to provide service to almost 45,000 residents with only 37 town employees, thanks to our manager Ralph Casals and the hard working staff he oversees. Our attorneys have been with us from the beginning, providing great legal advice and our town council is united by the common goal of serving our residents to the best of our ability. I am honored to be a part of this team.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have just begun and there will be more to come. Let’s take a moment on Feb. 21 to enjoy our hometown and its accomplishments. After all, we are the sixth most desirable city in the county, according to a recent survey.
Please join us as we celebrate all that is Cutler Bay and remember you are what makes it the very best place to live, work and play.