Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, and the moon, will make an especially close pairing in April.
The Southern Cross Astronomical Society (SCAS) presents “Jupiter Watch” on Thursday, Apr. 6, 7-10 p.m., at the Deering Estate, 16701 SW 72 Ave. in Palmetto Bay. Special telescopes will be available for viewing of the night sky.
The cost is $5 per person, for ages 4 and older, and free for Deering Estate Foundation members. Guests are welcome to bring blankets, lawn chairs, and small picnic baskets.
Fun facts about Jupiter:
• A Jupiter opposition of the sun occurs every 13 months. The next event will be on May 9, 2018.
• More than 1000 Earths would fit inside Jupiter.
• Jupiter rotates every 10 hours.
• Jupiter will be opposite the sun on Apr. 7.
• Jupiter will be closest to Earth by 414 million miles on Apr. 8.
NASA’s spacecraft Juno is currently imaging polar regions on Jupiter from the JunoCam. Check out the images at www.missionjuno.swri.edu.
Learn more about the Southern Cross Astronomical Society at scas.org.