The Kendall Federation Political Action Committee (KFPAC) has recommended “No Endorsement” in the closely contested race between Republican Carlos Curbelo and Democrat Joe Garcia for the District 26 seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.
“The committee votes to endorse, not endorse, or votes ‘no endorsement,’ said Martin P. Stein, KFPAC chair, after release of the endorsement slate on Oct. 18. Details of voting procedures including the number of PAC members taking part in votes are not released publicly, he added.
The KFPAC endorsements follow a series of five public forums since July 31 hosted by the Kendall Federation of Homeowner Associations (KFHA). Stein said the KFHA and KFPAC are completely independent of each other.
In the first KFHA forum on July 31, Curbelo did appear among the field of five contestants then seeking the District 26 Republican nomination. Garcia, uncontested for the Democratic nomination, did not appear.
“Since the primary forums, we have had an open invitation to both candidates to appear,” said Michael Rosenberg, KFHA president. “Due to commitment of time blocks on the Oct. 9 and 16 forums, we could not accept a last-day request from one candidate to appear at a session.”
To allow three 30-minute periods for scheduled contested offices and ballot issues left insufficient time for a fourth presentation by District 26 candidates and additional audience questioning, Rosenberg explained.
In four Florida state representative contests whose districts cover parts of Kendall, KFPAC favored three new Democratic candidates over GOP incumbents, supporting only Jeanette Nunez in her district. Those KFPAC choices:
District 115:
Kristopher Decossard over
Michael Bileca.
District 116:
Juan Carlos Cuba over
Jose Felix Diaz.
District 118:
Omar Rivero to replace Frank Artiles.
District 119:
Jeanette M. Nunez over
challenger Milagro Ruiz.
In three state constitutional referenda, “Yes” votes were recommended for Amendment No. 1, dedicating funds to acquire and restore conservation and recreational lands, and No. 2, permitting use of marijuana for certain medical conditions. A “No” vote was recommended on filling prospective judicial vacancies.
Five Miami-Dade Charter amendments were turned down by KFPAC that listed “No” votes for Article 7 (allowing libraries in parks) and exemptions for both MDC Regional Soccer Park and Camp Matecumbe, should Article 7 pass.
In two controversial issues, KFPAC recommended “No” votes on Florida International University’s expansion onto the Youth Fair site, and “No” again on issuing General Obligation Bonds to repair the county’s aging downtown courthouse building.