The Town of Cutler Bay’s Communities for a Lifetime (CFAL) Committee added two new members at the monthly meeting on May 4 and elected officers as well.
Wendy Kirby and Charlotte Marvez were appointed as new members and the officers elected for 2016-17 are Jose Rodriguez, chair; Marilyn Rams, vice chair, and Wendy Kirby, secretary. Gilda Change has served on the CFAL Committee since 2015 and completes the team of five town residents under the guidance of town liaison, Councilmember Sue Ellen Loyzelle.
“It is important that we let the community know that we heard them loud and clear when they requested more activities and specialized services for adults,” Loyzelle said. “Over the next few months, we will work closely with town staff to develop and prioritize a list of special projects and activities based on the results from the senior needs assessment and direct feedback from residents.”
This year, the committee is committed to implementing more of suggested activities identified in the town’s Senior Needs Assessment and Strategic Master Plan. The town’s CFAL and staff have received recognition over the past year for a commitment to make Cutler Bay a great place to live for people of all ages.
Sam Verghese, Secretary of the Florida Department of Elder Affairs, highlighted the town’s CFAL initiative during a presentation to state legislators on Florida Senior Day in Tallahassee in January. In March, the town became the first municipality in South Florida to join the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities. This nationwide network helps participating communities become great places for all ages by adopting features such as safe walkable streets, better housing and transportation options, access to key services, and opportunities for residents to participate in community activities.
Residents interested in participating in the Communities for Lifetime Committee meetings, can attend the sessions on the first Wednesday of the month at 6 p.m. in the Community Room located on the second floor of the Town Hall Building. The meetings are open to the public.
For information visit the town’s website at www.cutlerbay-fl.gov or call Town Hall at 305-234-4262.