While coronavirus has altered the lives of people around the world, we all find ways to adapt to a new lifestyle.
Now, more than ever, families are coming together, exploring new ways to play, exercise, learn, and work. Each and every one of us is doing our part to heal and help the world become a better place and the Riviera Schools family is no different.
The Principal’s Gold Scholar Lunch Bunch is a Day School tradition celebrating the dedication, hard work, and academic excellence of students who achieve Gold Scholar Honor Roll. These students are invited to have a special lunch with the school principal, enjoying delicious chocolate chip cookies for dessert.
With the quarantine in place to help stop the spread of COVID-19, the Third Quarter Gold Honor Roll students would miss their special celebration, but an unexpected visit by Peter Cohen, school director, was a welcome change to the traditional lunch.
In the span of 8.5 hours, Mr. and Mrs. Cohen visited 31 houses, delivering 222 cookies to 37 Gold Honor Roll students in 14 zip codes. The cookies were lovingly baked by Mrs. Allison Cohen, whose secret family recipe has been highly desired and requested by many.
Keeping a safe social distance from the students and families, Mr. Cohen delivered the cookies to surprised, and in some cases confused, Bulldogs. Imagine hearing the doorbell ring and seeing the director of your school outside your home.
Mr. and Mrs. Cohen not only delivered delicious cookies, but they also delivered the love and care for family that epitomizes the true Riviera spirit.