East Ridge at Cutler Bay recently hosted Helen Gage, the “Apron Lady,” for a fascinating “Show and Tell” about her collection of over 1,000 aprons.
Gage, who is a preservationist and savior of the Bethel House in Perrine, has a passion for saving pieces of history. She spoke about her efforts to rescue and restore the Bethel House as well as her passion for collecting aprons.
While she spoke, she modeled a vintage apron worn atop her designer jeans which has become a new fashion statement. Gage explained that when she finds a new apron, she enjoys thinking about the lady who wore it. Her collection began in the 1970s and has grown from scouring yard sales and church bazaars as well as gifts from friends and families.
East Ridge at Cutler Bay hosts monthly lectures on a variety of topics. The allinclusive retirement community is located at 19301 SW 87 Ave. in Cutler Bay.To learn more about East Ridge, call 305-256-3564.