Cutler Bay conducted its first CarFit workshop on Tuesday, May 9, presented for older adults to provide them with a way to check how their personal cars “fit” them.
Older drivers are often the safest drivers in that they are more likely to wear their seatbelts, and less likely to speed or drink and drive. However, older drivers are more likely to be killed or seriously injured when a crash does occur due to the greater fragility of their aging bodies.
During the town’s CarFit event, trained professionals from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) led older drivers through a 12-point checklist with their vehicle. While doing so, they recommended car adjustments and adaptations and offered community-specific resources and activities that could make their cars “fit” better or enhance their safety.
A few of common concerns include properly adjusting mirrors to minimize blind spots, ensuring good foot position on the gas and brake pedals, and sitting closer than 10 inches to the steering wheel.
In addition to the representatives from the Florida Department of Transportation, CAC Medical Center, Continucare Medical Center, and Humana were present to provide health screenings and wellness education. Members from the town’s staff that were recently certified as CarFit technicians were present along with officers from the town’s Policing Unit.
CarFit is an educational program created by the American Society on Aging and developed in collaboration with AAA (American Automobile Association), AARP and the American Occupational Therapy Association.
To learn about the program visit www.car-fit.org.
“The town is a member of the AARP Network of Livable Communities which reinforces our commitment to provide resources and ways for our Active Adults to live a healthy and safe lifestyle,” said Rafael G. Casals, town manager.
“Additionally, this project is in line with our Communities for a Lifetime Committee’s Age-Friendly Action Plan. CarFit is a great opportunity to ensure that Active Adults are able to enjoy maintain their mobility and independence,” he added.
For information about upcoming special events for active adults visit the Cutler Bay website at www.cutlerbay-fl.gov or contact Janelle Marzouka in the Parks & Recreation Department at 786-573-5575.