The Town of Cutler Bay provides many services, including the after school program managed by the Parks & Recreation Department.
On Friday, Apr. 1, program participants worked together with town staff to prepare a dance performance for their families. The performance was choreographed by instructors from enFAMILIA, an arts-based non-profit organization.
The purpose of the after school program is to provide participants with goals and initiatives that are geared toward education, skill development and strengthening, as well as to promote and encourage self-confidence in the youngsters. It focuses on communication and team work.
Program aides and coordinators work closely with the families of the participants to ensure that all are provided with a safe, healthy and educational environment.
By hosting Family Nights, the town promotes parent involvement and presents the program participants with the opportunity to demonstrate their newly developed or strengthened skills. The program serves approximately 75 youth participants between the ages of 6 and 12.
Town manager Rafael Casals said he is pleased with the way the program is working.
“We are dedicated to providing youth with a quality afterschool care experience,” Casals said. “This year the town partnered with enFAMILIA and Miami Dade College to incorporate weekly STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Science) lessons. Partnerships like this contribute to the success of our programs.”
The Town’s after school program is funded in part by grants from The Children’s Trust and the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. Following the dance performance on Apr. 1, dinner was provided to all the families in attendance. They also were invited to remain at Cutler Ridge Park for the town’s Movie Night, featuring the Minions movie.
The Parks and Recreation Department currently is accepting applications for the 2016 Summer Camp, scheduled June 13- Aug. 5. Activities include swimming lessons, arts and crafts and a variety of fun activities. Field trips also are included. Register early for the fun this summer as space is limited. For additional information, visit the town’s website at www.cutlerbay-fl.gov or contact the Parks & Recreation Department at 305-234-4262.