Town’s ‘Truck and Career Day’ teaches environmental lessons

Town’s ‘Truck and Career Day’ teaches environmental lessons
Town’s ‘Truck and Career Day’ teaches environmental lessons
Public Works staff members demonstrate a vacuum truck to students at Cutler Ridge Elementary.

Staff members of the Town of Cutler Bay Public Works Department visited the students and faculty of Cutler Ridge Elementary School on Tuesday, Jan. 17, to conduct “Truck and Career Day.”

The presentations were geared toward teaching students the effects of pollution on the environment and simple things they can do to protect it.

To this end, Alfredo Quintero, Public Works director, and Yenier Vega, the town’s Stormwater Utility manager, brought an EnviroWaste Vacuum Truck to provide a demonstration to the students of how the Cutler Bay cleans and maintains storm drains. That maintenance helps to prevent street flooding and remove harmful sediments from neighborhood roadways.

The Public Works Department is responsible for the improvement and maintenance of the town’s infrastructure, and oversees the Stormwater Division. Quintero said that the Public Works staff strives to improve the quality of life for residents on a daily basis and welcomed the opportunity to get the youngsters involved.

“Celebrating Career Day with students from Cutler Ridge Elementary was a great opportunity to show the kids how to give back to the community in small but effective ways,” Quintero said. “We can all work together toward a better and safer place to live.”

Cutler Ridge Elementary School serves more than 600 students from kindergarten through fifth grade, with a goal of providing an environment and educational experience that “enables students to become successful members of the community.”

Town manager Rafael G. Casals said that the town is committed to engaging students and partnering with schools to give back to the community.

“I am very proud of our Public Works staff,” Casals said. “From the department head to the maintenance workers, they all take great pride in educating our town residents, especially our youth. The Career Day event is very important and sets a foundation to educating children on ways to protect the environment and serve the community.”

For information about coming events, visit the town’s official website at or call Town Hall at 305-234-4262.

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