South Miami Weed and Seed invites all South Miami residents to participate in the “Community Health, Fitness, and Safety Awareness Day” from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, July 31 at the Gibson-Bethel Community Center, 5800 SW 66 Street.
The event will showcase local resources and healthcare providers from the South Miami community and feature demonstrations by several participating organizations who work to develop healthier, stronger communities.
South Miami Hospital will be providing healthcare screenings, chair massages and other services. The South Miami Drug-Free Coalition will also host an information booth and prescription medicine collection. Bring your expired or unused prescription drugs to be disposed.
Other partners in the program include South Miami Children’s Clinic, Main Street Children’s Dentistry, Miami- Dade AHEC, Smoothie King, South Miami Police Department and the Police Explorers Post #256, to name a few.
Community members will receive health, fitness, and safety information and have the opportunity to participate in blood pressure readings, diabetes screenings and nutritional counseling sessions.
Please join us at our FREE day of healthcare, fitness, and safety programs for the entire community!
For more information about South Miami Weed and Seed, please contact Ms. Erin Jenkins, Site Coordinator at
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