When it comes to guns, listen to the children

When it comes to guns, listen to the children

When it comes to guns, listen to the childrenI am so happy!

I know I don’t normally begin my articles that way because there seems to be so much to be unhappy about all the time and it does make for more interesting reading.

Of course we have all been reading about all the troubles with the youth of today, i.e. drugs, sex, crime and all the others, but it certainly made me feel good to see the many, many young people willing to give of their time and effort to reach out to our legislators and let them know just how dangerous and threatening our current gun laws are.

It seems just a short time ago when local legislators attempted to create a ban on bringing weapons to our public parks. Who could possibly be opposed to that? How about the NRA? (No Rules At all) Of course, they see no problems with having guns anywhere and everywhere, including teachers in our schools, and no doubt soon the students as well.

What could better protect us from a crazy shooter then for everyone to have their own weapon and just begin firing at anyone who looks like they may be a possible threat. As I recall with the recent Parkland shootings, the shooter blended in perfectly with all the other students as did his brother who was arrested recently as well. I guess with all of the teachers having their own weapons it might make sense for everyone to begin shooting at everyone who looks like they may be a possible threat. Hoo boy!

What makes me happy is to see the effort being put forward by all of these children in schools to minimize the possible influence the NRA may have on future legislation. What could a bunch of kids do to affect the election of future officials? When you realize that these kids now have direct Internet access to millions of their peers and of course their parents as well, we are talking about a huge population now, easily accessible through any one of hundreds of social media outlets that just about everyone seems to be using in one form or another.

I would tend to think that even the “head tweeter” himself does not have near the following of millions of kids who will be voting along with their parents and relatives in the upcoming elections. I don’t think that even the NRA has the funds to offset this and may finally learn a good lesson regarding the safety of our citizens.

As I have said many times, there are those out there who somehow see the Second Amendment as sacrosanct. Of course most of them have never actually read it or pay any attention to the part dealing with “a well regulated militia.” It just isn’t convenient for them to think of military weapons being made only for the use of those in the military. My suggestion for those people is to go to your nearest toy store and choose from a plethora of Nerf guns that do almost everything that an AR 15 can do except kill people. What fun is there in that? You tell me!

Search for your nearest local student-sponsored gun protest group and give them all the support you possibly can because they in the long run will be saving many of our and our loved ones lives. Let’s show them that we are willing to listen and have respect for their judgment.

That is one of the things that will always make this great country “really great again.”

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