You can save water and money during Smart Irrigation Month

Outdoor irrigation accounts for up to 50 percent of water use in Florida, and up to 50 percent of that water is lost to evaporation.

To conserve as much of our precious water as possible, everyone must be vigilant, especially when watering lawns, to make every drop count. For this reason, the Irrigation Association has named July as Smart Irrigation Month.

July is traditionally known as having the peak demand for outdoor water use. So, this month take a few minutes to identify ways that you and your family can become more water efficient and still maintain beautiful yards and luscious landscaping.

One such way to save water and money is to take advantage of the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department’s (WASD) free evaluations of single family homes and large property irrigation systems, which provide recommendations to improve your yard and reduce water use.

Rebates can be earned if recommendations are implemented as a part of the Landscape Irrigation Rebate Program. The evaluation will detail to the property owner how to make their irrigation system more water-efficient.

Homeowners who implement the recommendations and provide verification of the retrofits will qualify for up to $500 in rebates, per fiscal year for up to five years. Homeowners do not need to implement all recommendations at once to be eligible for rebates. They can implement the retrofits for what works best for their system and their budget.

Remember that Miami-Dade County remains under permanent watering restrictions. Make sure your sprinklers are scheduled to be used only on the correct days and times based on your address. Residents should choose from one of two “watering windows” (before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m.) on their designated irrigation days. For the most efficient use of water, residents should avoid irrigating during both time periods on the same day.

Residents and businesses with odd-numbered street addresses are permitted to water on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Even addresses are on Thursdays and Sundays. Hand-watering with one hose fitted with an automatic shut-off nozzle is allowed for 10 minutes per day for landscape stress relief and to prevent plant die-off.

Make sure to check weather reports and refrain from over-watering when rain is in the forecast. Property owners and managers typically overwater, unintentionally wasting money every time they take out the hose or turn on the sprinklers.

It is the priority of the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department to provide safe, reliable service to its customers. For additional information about department services and programs, visit

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