Website Design Classes with WordPress

Website Design Classes with WordPress
Saturday, February 16th, 2019 – Miami

In this Live WordPress Website Training Course you will learn how to use one of the easiest, most popular and practical website building tools available.

WordPress is a simple yet powerful website building program that allows you to build and manage your own website with a small amount of training and effort.

 In this day-long, instructor-led, hands-on, training workshop you will:
• Learn how to build a high quality, functional website in no time at all!
• Save time and money by building your own website and managing changes.
• Market your products and services on a professional website you build yourself!
You will be able to edit and modify your website yourself without depending on others, and without spending tons of time and money.
It’s EASY!, but there are important prerequisites:1. If you know how to use a computer and are a fast learner.
2. Have some experience managing Microsoft Office Tools like Word,
Power Point, and Excel.
3. Have your business ready, a clear idea of why you will like to have a
website and what for.
4. You have your business logo and/or a clear idea of your business image.


Thanks to our 8-module, 1-day hands-on “WordPress Website Training” Course, you will learn and master how to build your own website.

• We cut the theoretical and complicated aspects of programming, and bring you
an easy to use content management system that will help you accelerate the
• We will help you learn how to do it in a totally practical and simple way, step by
step, directed by an expert.

For more information please visit: or call (305) 477-7600

Saturday, February 16th, 2018 | Cost: $497* (Value $997)

*(Registration Fee Includes a Complimentary WordPress Mastery video Course Valued at $497 & Free 1 Retake Voucher Valid for 6 Months)

Note: Once Payment has been processed there will be no refunds
unless course is cancelled/postponed by DCC

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