A new beginning

A new beginning
A new beginning
De La Torre

We all want to get to that “Next Level.” We consider ourselves goal-oriented, hardworking people but on our journey to success, yet we are often blind sighted with unexpected challenges and adversity, some more than others.

We’re forced out of our “comfort zone” or as I prefer to say, our “familiar zone” to an unknown world full of doubt and uncertainty. We stand at a crossroads, needing to make a decision as to which road to take, unsure of where it will lead us. This, my friends, is where courage, faith, and determination take on a whole new meaning. At this point we either grow or go, it’s in our hands.

The good news is that right before us whether we realize it or not, is our chance for “a new beginning,” an opportunity to make a life-altering decision that in many ways may just end up being our finest hour. With an open mind and a fresh outlook, we can begin the process of reinventing ourselves towards new ventures and ultimately, a better life for ourselves and our families.

At this point it’s imperative that we take time to reflect, plan, and think out of the box on new ways to achieve our life long dreams. During this period make sure you hold nothing back.

Dream the big dreams; create your vision for the rest of your life. Ask yourself the big question… What do I really want? If you had no restrictions, what have you always wanted to do, to be? In many ways consider yourselves fortunate that the recent woes you’ve encountered have indeed been a blessing in disguise. Listen to what I’m saying now, there is ‘NO” time to feel sorry for yourself or to whine about how difficult things might be.

There is an old saying I heard a few years ago: pain is inevitable, misery is optional! Make up your mind to stand tall and take bold steps to taking charge of your future.

The Business Forum Group at Doral (TBFG) is blessed with a group of members that include many highly accomplished executives and entrepreneurs. Every one of them has a unique and fascinating story to share on how they achieved their personal greatness. Yet, all of them have one thing in common, the fortitude to persist and overcome in spite of sometimes overwhelming odds. They are what I like to call “Mountain Climbers”; they keep their eye on the mountain top not the rocks on their way to the top.

All of you have something special to offer, a special set of skills, knowledge, expertise that sets you apart. Take time to discover what that is and as soon as you are clear without any hesitation, boldly go out and make it happen. Our family at TBFG is ready to partner up with you side by side. Let’s all unite to create new beginnings. It’s our time!

For more information on The Business Forum Group at Doral, visit www.DoralBizForum.com or send your inquires to HQ@DoralBizForum.com.

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