Do you ever ask yourself or your team, “What makes our company different? What is it that makes us special? Is it our products or services? What do our clients say about us?
And so I ask you, how would you answer these questions? If you respond with, “We have a unique product not offered by our competitors,” or, “We provide great service,” or “We’ve been doing business for xyz years,” you may be missing the point. It really isn’t your product, service or years in business; it’s your vision, mission, and core values that are driven by you and your team.
The environment and mindset by which you operate your business is the essential formula that determines your long-term and sustainable growth. It is where you can enjoy a healthy bottom line, year after year, in spite of increased competition and difficult economic times. It is the foundation of your success. Your vision, your mission, and your core values drives it – along with a strong belief and understanding about why you exist and how you make a difference in the lives of your clients. It becomes the motivating factor that makes you and your people shine.
The mission of The Business Forum Group at Doral (TBFG) is to be “The Implementation Catalyst of the business community converting ideas and initiatives into reality,” inspired by a vision that creates a spirited and covenant relationship with local businesses and the community of Doral stimulating long-term and sustainable economic development, positively impacting the growth of Entrepreneurship, while multiplying business opportunities for its members, and creating “Win-Win” strategic partnerships and business synergies. TBFG is an organization with core values that include commitment, integrity, and collaboration with the community at large.
In the spirit of sharing and putting into practice its mission, vision, and core values with local businesses in Doral and South Florida, TBFG is hosting its first “Motivational Series” event entitled “Faith in Your Business,” Aug. 23 at 8am. This gathering, featuring a renowned keynote speaker and high-level networking with local government representatives, executives, and success entrepreneurs, will be hosted by Metro Life Church in Doral and presented by Burke Construction.
This breakthrough event will help you understand the importance of having faith, goodwill and strong core values within your business. It will also underscore the notion that through faith and belief that your business propelled by you and your team inspired by a strong vison and mission, your business will continue to grow. If you are ready to be inspired and re-energized, please join us.
For more information on The Business Forum Group at Doral, visit or send inquires to