Be sure to save the date as The Business Forum Group “TBFG” kicks off an ambitious community-wide health and wellness movement in Doral, Nov. 29 at 5 p.m., together with The City of Doral and the newly launched national TV Network, the “Health Channel.”
Open to the public, “Doral’s Health & Wellness All Star Showcase” event will be held at the Firefighters Memorial Building located at 8000 NW 21st Doral, FL 33122 the week after Thanksgiving. The evening will feature a dynamic and interactive expo featuring over 30 Doral based health and wellness organizations representing local hospitals, medical centers, physicians, fitness and wellness centers, and healthy eateries.
Over 300 attendees including community leaders, residents, and business professionals will have an opportunity to experience the start of this community-wide program, whereby getting a head start on their 2019 health and wellness goals.
Participants will also:
• Learn about new trends from companies moving health and wellness forward; and
• Talk to individuals whose passion for fitness and wellness has become a way of life.
A panel discussion including local and world-renowned medical experts, will offer valuable information on how to live a healthy and productive life. The topics will include corporate wellness, nutrition and fitness, and exterior health.
Also showcased throughout this event is TBFG’s vision is to have a spirited, covenant, and healthy relationship with local businesses and the community of Doral stimulating long-term and sustainable economic development; as well as its mission is to be “The Implementation Catalyst” converting ideas and initiatives into reality.
TBFG strives to bring together the residents and businesses in Doral for a common cause – our health – with a keen focus on a healthy family emphasizing “mind and body” and healthier and more productive businesses.
I cordially invite each of you to join us on Nov. 29 for fast start to a very healthy 2019.
For information on the 2019 “Doral Health & Wellness All Star Showcase” visit: www.DoralHealthandWellness.eventbrite.com