At the workshop, NAC will provide assistance to complete the citizenship application to anyone eligible. A coalition of legal service providers and volunteers will assist eligible legal permanent residents among legal residents of five years or more to become U.S. citizens by completing the naturalization application.
While legal services are completely free, a USCIS $680 application fee may be necessary; it may be waived for food stamp, Medicaid or SSI recipients.
To apply for a fee waiver, applicants must have the letter of benefits in English from DCF and/or the Social Security Office.
As part of the workshop, eligible applicants may also get free immigration consultation with Dreamer Clinic representatives of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and receive help to apply for deportation relief and work permits. Requirements: arrival in the U.S. before age 16;15-30 years old; physically present in the U.S. since June 15, 2007 to present; have a High School Diploma or GED; no convictions of crimes, significant misdemeanors or multiple minor misdemeanors.
For more information, call 1-888- 541-2826 or Email inquiries to: