Local nonprofit Communities in Schools of Miami (CIS) is starting the school year out in a big way. As a direct result of the “Supporting Our Schools” annual supply drive, the organization, along with partners Telemundo 51, NBC 6 South Florida, The United Way of Miami-Dade, collected more than 10,000 school supplies and 3,000 backpacks for students in need.
According to the Huntington Backpack Index, each year parents spend up to $1,000 on school supplies, putting some families in the unfortunate position of having to decide between preparing their child for the year ahead or paying household bills.
“Helping students have a great start to their school year by making sure they are equipped to succeed and alleviating the financial burden for parents is something that we’re incredibly passionate about at CIS Miami,” said Elyssa Linares, CEO of Communities in Schools of Miami.
“By collecting supplies for Miami-Dade children, students are able to continue their educational journey confidently.”
This year, Communities in Schools Miami’s School Supply Drive served more than 7,500 students in 11 Miami-Dade County Title 1 Public Schools (large low-income student population).
Through the efforts of CIS Miami and their participating partners, the organization helps break the cycle of poverty, school failure and unemployment.
About Communities in Schools of Miami
Communities in Schools of Miami surrounds students with a community of support, whereby empowering them to stay in school. Through a school-based coordinator, CIS connects students and their families to needed community resources, and provides comprehensive wrap-around services including mentoring, tutoring, life skills development, case management, counseling, and job readiness.
CIS of Miami serves more than 20,000 students each year and is an affiliate of the nation’s leading dropout-prevention organization, whose model has been proven to both increase on-time graduation rates and reduce dropout rates.
For information about CIS Miami, visit www.cismiami.org.