by Coral Gables Woman’s Club.
The giving spirit is ever apparent in South Florida during this time of year.
Several residents of Doral are among a group of dedicated women who are members of the GFWC Coral Gables Woman’s Club. This club maintains a beautiful historic building with two ballrooms as well as a free children’s dental clinic that the club also owns and operates year around.
This Clinic provided more than $230,000 in fee dental care to disadvantaged children in Miami-Dade County last year alone.
The club also participates in countless other charitable outreach efforts including charity walks in Doral. Most recently the club collected food and delivered 35 huge Thanksgiving food baskets to families of children being treated at the club’s clinic, in addition to providing large gift bags of wrapped toiletry items for the women at Agape.
While some clubs are losing members, the Gables Woman’s Club has increased its membership base with women of all ages who wish to give back to their community while making new friends and serving others.
Several new members from Miami- Dade County were installed at the club’s Dec. 5 annual holiday party, an affair that also thanked the dental clinic staff and major donors supporting the May Van Sickle Children Dental Clinic over the years, including the Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation, the Health Foundation of South Florida, and Bacardi USA.
Past President Barbara Lapsley, who writes the annual proposal for funding from the Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation, reports that over the last 20 years, more than $400,000 in donations has helped thousands of children have a healthy smile.
Doral women interested in participating in this dynamic club may contact Mary Ann Etkin at 305-392-1782.More information is available at the club’s web site, www.coralgableswomansclub.org.