County reviewing Code in effort to make it more business friendly

Pictured (l-r) are FIU president Mark Rosenberg, Miami-Dade County Commission chair Joe A. Martinez, FIU law student Vanessa Pinto, and College of Law dean R. Alex Acosta.

In an effort to make Miami-Dade County more business friendly, Miami-Dade County Commission chair Joe A. Martinez joined forces with the Florida International University (FIU) College of Law to review the Miami-Dade County Code in order to identify provisions that delay, impede or hinder the manner in which business and industry interact with the county.

The details of the code revision initiative were presented at FIU’s College of Law on Tuesday, Jan. 31.

Phase One of the project involves law students identifying the application of a particular Code section to one or more businesses. Phase Two of the project will delve into what Code provisions should be revised and, if so, in what manner.

The goal is to have these law students, along with the County Attorney’s office, identify those provisions that directly impact the various business industries adversely. That research will then be reviewed in various workshops by a cross section of the business community in an attempt to streamline the way businesses work with county government.

“I began this effort to make sure Miami- Dade becomes an agent of progress that fosters the formation of new businesses and the success of existing ones,” Martinez said. “The assistance of FIU’s law students and local business owners will provide a fresh perspective of how Miami-Dade can better serve our local industries and limit unnecessary red tape. The less we hinder business development, the more our economy can grow.”

For more information, contact Martinez, office at 305-375-5511.

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