Those Doral Business Council businesses that choose to join the Forum networking group create relationships that extend beyond business.
In fact, at a recent breakfast meeting, many members stayed late to shower Aly Ramos, of QueBelle, with a cake and basket of baby gifts for a new addition to her family, due very soon. (Aly missed her surprise baby shower last month when the group met for a social at Shula’s Hotel; this back-up plan was arranged with a smaller cake but an equal amount of good wishes and love).
The DBC Forum meets the first and third Wednesday of each month for breakfast and often holds socials. While this group is category exclusive, if your business category is already filled and you are a DBC member, you may fill out an application for consideration should the category become open.
There are strict attendance requirements in order to hold the category, so openings do happen.
For information on the Forum, contact DBC Forum Chair Lizz Wiegandt (Mary Kay) at 305-772 -0749 or the DBC office 305-470-9597.