The Doral Business Council Forum, a networking group under the umbrella of the DBC, returned to Rancho Norris (the Davie home of Joe and Norris Perez, of Halo Branded Solutions) for yet another great BBQ to celebrate the holidays. Members came with their families to enjoy food, fun and lots of games from dominoes and Jenga to more strenuous activities such as volleyball mostly played by the younger set.
As DBC Forum Chair Gloria Burns, of Miami Christian School and Miami’s Community Newspapers, completes her year, she applauded this year’s Steering Committee for their tireless efforts including Forum’s Vice Chair, Max Fleischer, of Send Out Cards; Secretary, Norris Perez; Treasurer, Marti Bueso, of Home Financing Center; Forum Membership Chair, Lizz Wiegandt, of Mary Kay; Registration, Reza Ray, of Minuteman Press; Historian, Armando Fernandez, HBW Securities; and Attendance, Theresa Gonzalez, of AirTech.
Incoming DBC Forum Chair, Lizz Wiegandt, expects to double the size of this group during her term and has a lot of exciting plans for the coming year. DBC members interested in joining this category exclusive networking group, may contact Gloria Burns for more information at 305 968-3090 or the DBC office at 305 470-9597.
The group meets the 1st and 3rd Wed. of every month for a breakfast meeting; however, because of the holidays, in January, 2013, the meetings will be the 2nd and 4th Wed. the following month will revert to the 1st and 3rd Wed. at Tropico Restaurant on NW 84 Avenue and 12th St.