With the July 4 holiday conflicting with the date for a Doral Business Council Forum, the group replaced the session with an early start on Independence Day celebrations. Joining them at the new Carolina Ale House July 3 were members of the DBC Forum’s counterpart, Business to Business, as well as prospective DBC members. Joe Marouf, Carolina Ale House and Rotarian, got the affair started with complimentary drinks for a crowd of nearly 35 as several guests won donated door prizes from Mary Kay, Cao Chocolates and Community Newspapers. Among many enjoying the evening: DBC Forum Vice Chair, Max Fleischer, Treasurer Marti Bueso, Liz Wiegandt, Business to Business Chair Sally Villalba, Theresa Gonzalez, Mercy Crespo, Ricardo Trillos, Nathalia Bogani, Ana Hedman, Carlos Benitez, and Carlos Rivero. Also attending were Hector Soler, Atty. Vince Flor, Jacqueline Cueto and Ivan Watanabe of Boston who traveled furthest to the event while visiting his mother, DBC Forum’s Marianella Watanabe.