The City of Doral Mayor Juan Carlos “JC” Bermudez was the featured speaker and officiated over the recent installation of the 2017 chairperson, officers, and board of directors of the Doral Business Council.
Pictured (l to r): Albert Naon, Attorney; Carlos Martinez, CEO United Home Care; DBC Secretary Gloria Burns, Community Newspapers Columnist/PR/Marketing; Knicole “Kate” White, Vice President of Human Resources for Kendall Regional Medical Center; Mayor Bermudez; DBC Chairperson Barbara Pimentel, Exec. Director FCBF; Doral Councilwoman Claudia Mariaca, Dr. Roger Ramsammy, President of Miami Dade College West; Iris Garcia, President & CEO of Iris Garcia Productions; and Ambre Gine-Valdes, Hellman Logistics.
Not pictured: DBC Treasurer Sonya Canas, Sr. VP of Mercantil Commercebank; and new board member Dr. Teri Logan, Associate Head of Miami Christian School.