Doral donates computers and toys to special needs school in “Sister City”

Doral dona computadores y juguetes a la Escuela de Necesidades Educativas Especiales en ‘Ciudad Hermana’

Through the Sister Cities program, Doral donated six surplus computers and gently used toys to vulnerable members of the community in Armenia, Colombia. The charitable donation went to Preescolar Ceral, a volunteer-run school that provides educational support and teaches crucial life skills to over 20 at-risk, deaf-mute children.

The need for assistance was identified last October when a City of Doral delegation visited Armenia, one of Doral’s Sister Cities since March 2017, to strengthen ties between the two communities. The agenda included a visit to the school where volunteers teach practical life skills to special-needs children who require more attention than can be provided in traditional schools. They rely heavily on donations, fundraising – and sometimes even their own finances – to feed and teach the children.

“As a mother and public servant, I knew right away that we could make a very powerful and positive impact on these children,” said Vice Mayor Ana Maria Rodriguez. “The Sister Cities program is all about cultivating relationships and helping our international partners – that is exactly what we have accomplished through this assistance.”

This item was brought to the December Council Meeting by Vice Mayor Ana Maria Rodriguez and unanimously approved by the Mayor and Council.

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