Doral ‘Goes Green!’

The Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC), a membership-based non-profit organization that administers certification standards, has designated the City of Doral a certified “Florida Green Local Government.”

The city successfully met the sustainability standards established in the FGBC’s certification program, achieving 26 percent of the 312 applicable points to earn a bronze-level designation.

“Since the inception of Doral, our goal has been to create a sustainable city,” said Mayor Juan Carlos Bermudez. “We are glad that the FGBC has recognized our efforts from the adoption of a Green Master Plan, to hybrid vehicles as part of our fleet, to mixed-used zoning and development and many other environmental friendly accomplishments that will benefit taxpayers in the long run.”

Suzanne Cook, FGBC Executive Director, said the designation demonstrates exemplary leadership by Mayor Bermudez and other elected officials who provided the framework and support to move forward with the process that helps to better manage the cost of government.

“Their leadership in this effort will help protect and conserve the community’s natural resources, enhance the efficiency of government thus reducing the cost to taxpayers, and raise public awareness about the benefits of environmental stewardship,” Cook said. “Our membership applauds the municipality’s dedication and commitment to the important ideals outlined in this program.”

To achieve the FGBC certification, the city undertook an extensive audit of the functions performed by every department within the government. The criteria included evaluations of energy and water usage, air quality, health issues, land use, recycling and waste disposal, maintenance policies, educational programs, purchasing practices, regulatory policies, and many others.

For a complete list of accomplishments that benefit taxpayers and the environment, visit

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