The City of Doral embarked on the “Million Orchid Project” Oct. 20 with the Mayor Juan Carlos Bermudez and Councilwoman Claudia Mariaca braving the heights to plant the very first orchids in Downtown Doral Park. The goal is for Doral to eventually become an orchid paradise with thousands blooming in its streets and parks.
This is a partnership between several municipalities and Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden to help re-introduce native orchids species to the existing canopy across the Miami-Dade County urban areas. With their guidance and support, the Doral Public Works team will handle initial plantings. Then volunteers will take over and help the re-population continue. Multiple events will be held annually at different locations in the city to get the community involved in this effort.
“I personally feel very strongly about projects like these that get our community involved,” said Mayor Bermudez. “When our residents take ownership and participate, it results in Doral pride – something that helps maintain our quality of life in this great city.”
This priority, in line with the “Green Goals” in the City’s Green Master Plan, which will help keep Doral beautiful and a place in which our families can enjoy to live, work, learn, and play.
For more information regarding Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden’s “Million Orchid Program”, please visit