Faithful Greetings! Over the last few weeks we have seen both the mayor and the councilmembers in a real campaign working to full capacity with the various departments of the municipality, county’s public officials, the school system, and even the private sector of the city of Doral. I know from very good source that the mayor is determined to complete the work of the “Legacy Park” that according to the original plan, should have been done some time ago, in other words, this construction, which is super far behind, without a doubt will become very valuable to the Doralinos. I think that the elected officials are determined to look after our interests.
Donald Trump made his first speech to Congress last week for the first time since he took office in January. Traditionally, the event provided an opportunity for the President to offer his vision of the country and the national agenda over the next few years. Trump’s economic policy, which promises to reduce taxes, increase infrastructure spending and deregulation in the financial sector, hits new high with longest winning streak in US stock market. In fact, the stock markets have reached a historically low volatility, an incredible fact considering the uncertainty that the future of the new government projected until that night.
I think that if President Trump accomplishes during his administration half of what he has planned, he will historically become one of the best presidents of this great country. “We will do more with less and make government sensible and responsible for people,” he said. Trump besides being the President of the United States is a businessman, impossible to forget this detail.
In an article published in both The New Herald and The Miami Herald, in Spanish and English respectively, reference is made to the bad smell in the city titled: “Forget arepas. Part of this city smells like a dump.” It is true that in some areas of the city and some days of the week, and depending on the weather, it really smells like trash and sometimes even worse than that; Now, it is not true that the unpleasant effluvia is in the whole city of Doral; As described in the article in question: “In parts of Doral, the aromas of blooming gardenias, the freshly mown grass of its golf courses, and sizzling Venezuelan arepas have increasingly been overpowered by the wafting odors of garbage.
In unfortunate pockets of the city, the rotten-egg stench makes its way into palatial, half-million-dollar homes and condos.”
For years we have written about this unpleasant subject, in fact, we have invited Doralinos to together raise their voice of protest on this matter and to take it to the City Council and beyond the limits of the municipality all the way to the authorities of the county. I think, with all the respect that the journalist who wrote it deserves, that the suggestive headline was not necessary; It is true that Doral’s population include an immense number of Venezuelans, but there are also Colombians, Cubans, Ecuadorians, Peruvians, Nicaraguans, Brazilians, etc, etc, so that very well one could also smell toasted bread, Pinto with eggs, pingado, green, bolon, etc.
And to be clear, the subject in question has nothing to do with anyone’s origin, as it can easily be misinterpreted since I am Venezuelan, but no, that it is not the point; I have lived in Doral for 16 years, since before it became a city, I have experienced the transformation of being a peaceful place to become, little by little, a vibrant city where people of different nationalities live with dreams and goals that some made it true and those that didn’t, rise again without rest and try again.
As you know, this is the country of opportunity when you do things right. And I’m not trying to cover the sun with a finger, it’s true, sometimes it smells bad, very bad, and not in the whole city, but from that to generalize the whole geography of the city, no. As a communicator, I exercise the right to freedom of expression, without any doubt, but I also have the right to question and even to dispute when I do not agree on any subject and in this case I do not agree, I do not see the need for the title of the article in question. It is one thing to prosecute a case as we have done many times in the past and another thing is, per my optic, the discrediting of a place; since it is my city and it hurts, I had no choice but to write these lines. This is my opinion.