Rape, domestic violence, abuse, muggings and purse snatching — crimes women face every day, nearly always by male assailants. With crime on the rise, women are at high risk when it takes police nearly 22 minutes to get to the crime scene after an initial report.
That’s why Anta’s Fitness and Self Defense on Saturday, March 2, at 1:30 p.m. (along with over 50 martial arts schools worldwide) will host“The Damini Project,” a free workshop on self defense, rape prevention, situational awareness for females.
The Damini Project originated from the Jeet Kune Do Athletic Association, dedicated to the memory of Jyoti Singh Pandey, a brutal gang rape victim in Delhi, India on Dec. 16, 2012, resulting in her death two weeks later in a Singapore hospital.
Because India’s laws require the victim’s name remain undisclosed in the case of death (unless express permission is granted by the family), the media has only reported the crime by nicknaming the victim “Damini,” meaning “lighting” in Hindi.
Thousands of community members, however, soon began protesting across the country, demanding justice for Damini and changes in Indian law to provide better protections against such crimes. The Project’s guiding goal is to put an end to current “rape culture” attitudes that result in violence against, sexual assault, and victimization of women throughout the globe.
The free women’s workshop named in Damini’s rememberance in Doral will take place at my training center, 10721 N.W. 58 St.
We’ll tell you how the criminal mind thinks, what they want and do not want to happen. We offer training in awareness of surroundings, techniques and drills to control adrenaline surges in a stressful or even terminal situations.
As a practiced street defense instructor with multiple certifications in Israeli, Thai and Chinese Martial arts, I’m well aware of how a little knowledge of basic physical deployment coupled with mental alertness can provide a strong defensive barrier against a sudden attack. I’ve conducted numerous reality-based street defense and crime prevention seminars throughout the U. S. and have appeared on more than 100 local, national and international TV shows as a self defense, women’s self defense and anti-bullying expert.
My goal through “The Damini Project” is to empower women to value themselves and have the ability to fight for their safety if necessary. The free workshop is presented as a community service, so that participants can learn how to use everyday items found in purses or at home, to walk in peace without fear.
Because registration is limited, you must call 305-599-3649 or visit www.AntaMartialArts.com/the-damini-project to sign up for this free opportunity now. We’ll be pleased to help you walk unafraid.
Julio Anta has been writing for the Doral Tribune since 2000. He is the founded Anta’s Fitness and Self Defense in 1998. You can reach him at 305 599- 3649 or via the internet at fitdef@aol.com