The recent groundbreaking ceremony at the two-acre Jackson Health West Medical Campus is driving the launch of a new planning project for the transit experts at the city of Doral.
“We want this medical facility to be easily accessible by both residents and its employees,” said transportation advisor Dr. Joan Shen. “Free trolley routes from the Palmetto MetroRail Station for hospital employees and our residential areas for patients will provide access without adding to traffic.”
The new hospital campus is expected to be completed in 2020, according to Jackson West Vice President Aristides Pallin, and will create up to 800 permanent healthcare jobs.
“This important medical facility also offers an opportunity for health care professionals an attractive live-where-they-work, work-where-they-live option by establishing residence in Doral,” explained Mayor Luigi Boria,
“We also want to show that you can commute beyond cars,” he added. “So access to the trolley, well-lighted streets, and well-marked bike lanes will play a part in reducing congestion too.”
“Collaboration is crucial,” declared Traffic Engineer Rita Carbonell. “We must coordinate with the hospital, MetroRail, and express bus services that will come online in the next three years, as we increase our trolley fleet and ridership.”