Leukemia-Stricken Child Aided by Steede Medical

Leukemia-Stricken Child Aided by Steede MedicalThere’s an old adage that says “You know who your friends are when the chips are down.” This adage holds true, especially for a little girl named Lesly who is a patient of P.A.T.C.H.E.S. in Florida City

Lesly was born without sufficient collagen. Instead of her skin stretching, it rips and tears, exposing muscle and tissue — extremely painful and extending to every area of her body. As she grows the condition only worsens. Not covered by Medicaid, required skin dressing lasting a bit less than a month costs over $1,000 per case.

Among those Lesly calls “friends” is Steede Medical  www.steedemedical.com), established in 1993. Based in Doral since 2004, founder Louis Steede is no stranger to giving back to those in need. “Over the last 20 years, we have donated pharmacy supplies to organizations such as Miami Mission, American Diabetes Association and many others” said Jorge Pereira, Executive Director of Sales and Marketing for Steede Medical. He told Doral Tribune that he was touched by Lesly’s story and wanted to help in any way that they could.

Jorge heard of Lesly’s fragile condition through Marisel Losa, President and CEO, Health Council of South Florida

(www.healthcouncil.org) also based in Doral. His heart was touched and he did not hesitate to put the wheels in motion to make the donation to Lesly a reality

Despite her medical condition, Lesly is a very lucky girl.

Beside the Steede Medical donation, a fundraising campaign was launched by Robert M. Levy & Associates of Miami and Tallahassee, a government and public relations firm, raising funds to purchase one year’s worth of skin dressing. (The firm also represents P.A.T.C.H.E.S. pro-bono in the State Legislature).

Levy and Associates male principals even shaved their heads to make a statement in support of raising funds for Lesly, inspired by former President George Bush head-shaving for a seven-year-old leukemia-stricken child of a secret service team member’s son.

Those interested in assisting Lesly by donation can contact any listed organizations or email arodri27@hotmail.com for information.

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