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Main Street Players presents the final show of their 2021 season, Shakespeare Is A White Supremacist by Andrew Watring. The show is directed by Carey Brianna Hart and stars Annette Monk, Katlin Svadbik, Chasity Hart, Vanessa Tamayo, Roderick Randle, Erin Wilbanks, and Matthew Salas.
Shakespeare Is A White Supremacist explores the experiences of people of color as they undergo rehearsals for A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream. This script represents one piece and one iteration of a comprehensive, theatrical process.
Shakespeare Is A White Supremacist runs September 24 to October 17, with performances Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm and Sundays at 2 pm. Tickets are $30 for adults, and $25 for students and seniors. Reduced capacity will allow for socially distanced seating. Tickets may be purchased online at or at the door. Box office opens one hour prior to showtime.
Main Street Playhouse
6766 Main Street
Miami Lakes, FL 33014