It was an historic day in Doral recently as dozens gathered for the officially ribbon cutting for Phase 1 of the new General Obligation Bond construction project – Dr. Toni Bilbao Preparatory Academy.
Along with School District administrators, school staff, and students, local officials present at the ceremony included Miami Dade Schools Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho; School Board Members Susie V. Castillo, Mari Tere Rojas and Dr. Marta Pérez; Bilbao Prep Academy Principal Tracey D. Crews; and City of Doral Mayor Juan Carlos Bermudez.
Zyscovich Architects and Thornton Construction Company completed the $15.1 million project, a 59,000 sq. ft., two-story facility housing 750 student stations.
For information and more coverage of the event, visit Twitter @mdcps and @miamisup, or on Facebook at MiamiSchools and AlbertoCarvalho.