Over the decades, Miami Christian School has graduated a long list of impressive alumni. Looking back just 16 or so years, among many former standout students are Regina Bernadin and Melissa Rojas.
Regina, Valedictorian of the Class of 2000, recently addressed the school’s student body as Program Manager for the Human Trafficking Program of the International Refugee Center located in Miami. Bernadin, who attended the University of Miami on scholarship and graduated with a double major and triple minor, went on to earn a Masters, also at UM. In 2005 she became a case manager IRC and four years later was appointed as Florida Department of Children and Families Refugee Services’ first statewide Human Trafficking Coordinator. As such, Regina is responsible for facilitating and addressing human trafficking initiatives, developing and implementing human trafficking curriculum and trainings, as well as providing technical assistance to department staff and other local, national and international organizations and governments.

Most recently, she has been working as an independent consultant, providing training and technical assistance on human rights issues in addition while she pursues an Ph.D in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from Nova Southeastern, a degree she expects to complete by the end of the current school year. During the assembly, she shared what her time and involvements at MCS, describing how her life choices and studies led her to her current successes and position.
Melissa, still another outstanding alumna from the class of 1999, received her Bachelor in Psychology degree with a minor in Criminal Justice from Florida International University. During her time at FIU, Melissa was an active member of Phi Mu Sorority and following graduation was accepted into the Chicago Professional School of Psychology to attend its Forensic Psychology Master’s program. She went on to Carlos Albizu University where she received her Master’s Degree in Psychology and completed her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology with a Forensic Concentration. She then trained in several community mental health centers, not-for-profit organizations and at a forensic private practice.

Prior to graduating with her Doctorate, she completed a pre-doctoral internship at a community mental health center in Kissimmee, FL. Melissa completed her residency at a private practice, conducting psychological interviews for the Department of Disability in Orlando. Married in 2012 (her husband is an airline pilot), the couple relocated in Spokane, WA where she is one of six staff psychologists for the State Department of Corrections, working with the staff at correctional institutions throughout the state. Dr. Teri Logan, Associate Head of MCS, lauds both women for providing such great role models for all.
Now, let’s also hear a round of applause for the MCS JV basketball team and its undefeated season, quite an accomplishment for any school varsity. Miami Christian students are also taking full advantage of the new baseball and softball fields at this writing.
For more information on Miami Christian School or to schedule a school tour, tel. 305 221-7754.