The Miami-Dade County Youth Fair & Exposition Receives Numerous Awards of International Recognition

picThe Miami-Dade County Youth Fair & Exposition has received a second place Agricultural Award of Excellence from the International Association of Fairs and Expositions (IAFE) headquartered in Springfield, MO, as well as three Awards of Distinction for Competitive Exhibits in diverse categories.

One award was received for the overall agricultural program offered to the non-agricultural fairgoing public. The Youth Fair created a special program developed specifically for third graders, called the Howdy Program. This is the second time it has been awarded within the IAFE Agriculture Program.

The Youth Fair received a second place in the New or Unique Division of Competitive Exhibits for their newest culinary division, Superintendents Challenge: Cooking Up Change, which was open to the food service personnel within the Miami-Dade County Public School system. The winning entry was added to the MDCPS school lunch menu. The organization also received first place in the General Display Photo category, for photos of the Miami-Dade Fire Rescue which were displayed in an interactive area in Arnold Hall, as well as third place for General Display Photo Series for a four photo series of the center aisle exhibit that was developed, created and built by Miami-Dade County Public Schools.

There are a total of 15 Agriculture Award and 11 Competitive Exhibits categories, each divided into 5 divisions by attendance, that a Fair or Expo can enter. The entries are evaluated and judged by a team of industry leaders. These individuals are selected from the membership of International Association of Fairs and Expositions, which has over 1,200 members from around the globe.

The awards were presented at an Awards Breakfast during the 122nd Annual IAFE Convention held in Las Vegas, Nevada.  The Youth Fair takes great pride in knowing that their event has been selected for this prestigious honor. The Agriculture Awards are sponsored by John Deere, who is an avid supporter of the Fair and Expo Industry around the world. The Competitive Exhibits Awards are sponsored by North American Midway Entertainment.



 The agricultural fair and exposition sector is not only very important to rural and urban economies globally, but also is steeped in tradition and has a tremendously positive impact on the social well being of our rural and urban society. The purpose of Competitive Exhibits awards is to encourage fair members to share methods, ideas, props, new or unique classes and fair themes which enhance or expand competitive exhibit areas (i.e. cakes, quilts, arts, crafts, etc.)

“I am absolutely delighted that we were able to bring all these awards back home to Miami-Dade County and to the Youth Fair,” said Bob Hohenstein, President & CEO.  “This was an intense international competition and, as they do in conjunction with each spring’s Youth Fair, our Competitive Exhibits team did a magnificent job. The 2013 Youth Fair promises even better Competitive Exhibits and programs for all of our Guests.”

The Miami-Dade County Fair & Exposition, known for generations as The Youth Fair, is a private, not-for-profit organization that has donated well over $10 million in scholarships, awards and cash premiums to Miami-Dade students and is dedicated to supporting education and South Florida agriculture.  The Youth Fair will take place next spring, March 14-31, 2013.  For more information, please visit or call (305) 223-7060.

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