Sospiro Orange Wine Tasting

Sospiro Natural Wine Bar 2626 Ponce de Leon blvd., Coral Gables

Crushing on orange wine? Often called skin-contact wine, orange wine is having a major moment right now. Engage in conversations about how orange wine gets its eye-catching amber or copper hues and why it is increasingly gaining popularity with Owner Fabrizio and orange wine expert and wine importer, Martin with Cerda, Llanos y Cia. Hosted […]


Doris Market’s Pre-Valentine’s Day Wine Night

Doris Italian Market & Bakery 2077 University Drive, Coral Springs

In advance of Valentine’s Day, Doris Italian Market & Bakery in Coral Springs is celebrating rosés, reds and whites during Wine Night on Saturday, February 8 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Guests are encouraged to bring their Valentine, gal-entine or pal-entine to taste an array of more than 150 wines and artisan cheeses from around […]
