Lucas J. De La Torre, principal of Cutler Bay Senior High School, has announced that 20 students were recognized for achieving Cambridge AICE Diploma with Distinction, Cambridge AICE Diploma with Merit, and/or Cambridge AICE Diploma at Pass level during the 2018-19 school year.
The following current graduating senior have been awarded the following: Marina Marquis (Distinction), Kristina Alzugaray (Merit), Damien Martinez (Merit),Sabrina Prieto (Merit), and Jessie Riviera (Merit).
In addition, students from the Class of 2019 who received AICE Diplomas are: Gabriela Auguste, Zoe Fundora, Denise Garcia, Jenna Gonzalez, Jonathan Granado, Natasha Kim, Sharon Lopez, Danibel Pazos, Roxandra Perez, Beatrice Philippe, Noah Pinero, Kevin Rodriguez, Danielle Smutny, Yesenia Torres, and Alejandra Velasquez.
The Advanced International Cambridge Program is a pre-university curriculum and examination system for academically accelerated students. This flexible, broad-based program is offered in schools and colleges around the world. Each student in any of Cutler Bay Senior High School’s three academies may participate in designing an individual academic plan inclusive of Cambridge coursework.
Cambridge International uses a wide range of assessment processes and techniques to supplement formal written examinations — orals, practicals, projects, and coursework of various types are all used in various subjects where they are the most effective and appropriate means of measuring attainment.