In the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), representatives from eight Christian relief charities met on Tuesday afternoon to establish how their organizations could work together to bring relief to the people of the Philippines in the most effective manner. The partnering organizations include: Christian Relief Fund (CRF), Disaster Assistance COC, Healing Hands International (HHI), Global Samaritan, Body and Soul Ministries (BANDS), Shepherd’s Hill, MARCH, and Mission Resource Network (MRN).
The meeting was filled with compassion and an understanding that a strategic relief plan was necessary to effectively help those devastated by Yolanda.
Salvador Cariaga, a missionary from the Philippines and Executive Director of Shepherd’s Hill, explained, “The need is overwhelming. You cannot imagine the total devastation of very heavily populated areas of the islands. If we do not plan this relief work purposefully, we could use up all of our resources in a 10 foot radius!”
Representatives decided that, in the wake of such terrible destruction, it would be best for the partnering works to focus their joint effort on providing immediate relief aid: “the temporary provision of food, water, medical care, shelter, and spiritual triage.”
“CRF has programs in the Philippines that need both immediate relief and future rebuilding efforts,” said Bobby Moore, VP of Global Operations for Christian Relief Fund. “Our future efforts will be to help rebuild the lives of the orphans that this storm has created. That is what we do best. But there are still victims of the storm that need our immediate prayers, food, water, medical care and shelter. This relief cooperative ensures that our donors’ funds are effectively utilized.”
Relief donations made to all cooperating charities will be sent to the Philippines for distribution to areas where local and international teams are delivering aid.
“If all of us can work together, we will show an even bigger example of the love and compassion of God to the people of the Philippines. And isn’t that what it is all about?”, says Chris Gingles, VP of Healing Hands International.
Disaster Assistance CoC is a nonprofit 501 C 3 mission. Everyone that works with us is a volunteer we pay no one a salary. We are also associated with the Lake Jackson Church of Christ in Lake Jackson TX. The Elders there receive a monthly recap of all funds received and expenses incurred. We do this so there is another reliable verification of where your funds are going.
We can continue to do this work of feeding hungry people and helping those whose lives have been devastated by disasters only with the financial support of our brothers and sisters across the USA.
You can donate online at or make check payable to and mail to:Disaster Assistance CoC Mission
402 Center Way St
Lake Jackson TX, 77566Please pray for the thousands of people whose lives have been forever changed and for us as we show the love of the Lord to them by just providing a simple meal and a helping hand.