Children for Children’s 5K walk raises money for orphanages

Children for Children's 5K walk raises money for orphanages

Children for Children's 5K walk raises money for orphanagesChildren for Children’s inaugural 5K walk-a-thon on Saturday, May 4, at Coral Reef Park was a success, as the group, run by Pinecrest residents and co-founders Jessica Medwin and Kylie O’Day, sophomores at Gulliver Prep, attracted over 60 participants. The event raised money to be donated to Tikva, a Jewish orphanage in the Ukraine; Abuja, a Muslim orphanage in Nigeria, and His House Children’s Home, a Christian-based foster care facility in Miami. After the walk, there was so much food left over, the group decided to donate what was remained to St. James Missionary in Coconut Grove.

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