Baptist Health, which owns a couple of acres on S.W. 62 Ave, just north of Sunset Dr., as well as a vacant piece just a few hundred feet west on Sunset Dr., both of which are separated by a corner piece that has been quietly for sale. The healthcare giant has been trying to buy that corner for years, but alas no deal was struck. And right now the Baptist folks must be having a coronary, as that vacant lot has now two “For Sale” signs posted on the property and it looks suspiciously like an “in your face” marketing maneuver that plainly says: “If you don’t buy it, someone else will.” All of which surely must ratchet up Baptist’s interest before a potential assemblage of all three is lost.
P.S. Just wondering out loud if the University of Miami with its expanding healthcare coverage interests just might make its way over into South Miami.
Story around town is that there is a not- for -profit health care provider that has, for years, been providing care for the most important patients, has invested in a FOR PROFIT facility that does not accept Medicare nor Medicaid and does not take indigent patients nor does not have an emergency room either. Sounds sort of funky to me.
It was “Who’s Who VIP Day” at last week’s Community Newspapers luncheon when FIU president Dr. Mark Rosenberg was featured speaker, offering his

slant on FIU expansion that would dislodge Miami-Dade Youth Fair, among other topics. Before speaking, plaques honoring the 50-year anniversary of FIU were presented in his honor.
Among several city representative on hand: Pinecrest Mayor Cindi Lerner, Palmetto Bay Mayor Gene Flinn, Doral Commissioner Pete Cabrera, North Miami Beach Mayor George Vallejo and City Manager Ana Garcia, South Miami Mayor Phil Stoddard, Cutler Bay Vice Mayor Ernie Souchin, Miami- Dade County Commissioner Danielle Lavine Cava and Coral Gables Commissioner William Kerdyk. Also paying tribute: Wayne Brackin, who is the COO of Baptist Health; Adam Brand of Frames USA, Michael Welch from University Credit Union, and lots more folks, all wishing our distinguished Prexy success and good things for the future. To view the video of the luncheon click HERE.
Speaking of transformations, commercial real estate brokers are looking for a location near Larkin Hospital for a 25,000-30,000 sq. ft. grocery store and pharmacy. Gee whiz, guys! What are the neighbors going to think about that?
Lots of big bucks renovations going on with several homes between S.W. 62 Ave. and 64 Ct. between S.W. 71 and 64 St. as owners are transforming these older houses into newly-attractive residences and keep up with the times. The area known as Cocoplum Terrace is making a huge comeback with prices at; well they are pretty darn high. When you get a chance, drive the neighborhood to see the ‘new look’ in progress.
Spring is near and as the weather gets warmer unaltered stray cats begin to reproduce prolifically. As a result, it is not uncommon to find nests of what appear to be unattended or abandoned newborn kittens. Before jumping to the rescue, Miami-Dade County Animal Services (Animal Services) advises residents to consider the following recommendations to ensure the best chances of survival for the kittens.
Resist the urge to immediately touch them or move them. Instead, observe the kittens quietly from a distance for 12 to 24 hours as the mother may simply be out looking for food or a better place to move them to and is likely to return to care for them. Very young kittens cannot fully feed themselves and need their mother’s milk to survive until they are fully able to eat on their own or weaned off the mother.
You can put out cat food for the mom and a box that the mother could use to keep her kittens in (don’t put the kittens inside it, just put it near them). Don’t disturb the kittens as this may discourage the mother from returning to them, or she may move them away from you.
If you sense the kittens are in immediate danger or a dangerous area, such as underneath a car, in an area that is flooding due to rain, etc., look for the nearest safe area to which you can move them — close enough to the original spot — that will still allow the mother to find them. Place them in a sheltered area, away from direct sun, rain or traffic and continue to watch for the mother.
Only take them in if you have observed the kittens for 12 to 24 hours and are SURE the mother is not likely to return.
The best way to reduce the overwhelming number of unwanted cats is to spay or neuter your cats starting at 4 months old. Miami-Dade Animal Service offers low cost spay/neuter surgeries as well as free a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program for community cats. For information on low-cost spay/neuter surgeries or free TNR call 3-1-1 or visit Become a foster parent or volunteer at Animal Services. Volunteers and foster parents receive training and supplies and the joy that comes from saving a precious little animal’s life.
For information on becoming a pet foster parent or volunteer email:
(The last several items were provided by
Thought of the Day:
Be yourself.
Everyone else is taken.
— Oscar Wilde
Got any tips? Contact me at 305-669-7355, ext. 249 or send emails to <>.