There’s no way around it. In today’s competitive environment business people simply must know how to use social media – and continually assess whether their current use of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and others are really working for them.
The Doral Chamber of Commerce hosts a monthly class for members, non-members, and members to be called Social Media Marketing (SMM) Mastery Basic & Advanced Strategies, that provides totally amazing insights into these powerful marketing tools.
According to Chamber CEO and Co-Founder Manny Sarmiento, who also serves as course instructor, “This Social Media Marketing course is meant not just for business owners, managers, and entrepreneurs, but for anyone looking for ways to effectively market their business and achieve positive return on investment (ROI).”
What You Get
This comprehensive course is geared to educate experiences users and novices alike on practical usage of Social Media Marketing tools and demonstrate how it really works – and why sometimes it does not. Discussion also takes place around blogs, press releases, and social bookmarking.
“If you are looking to grow your business, this course is for you,” he adds. Sarmiento is also CEO of New Media, New Marketing, Inc., an Internet and Social Media Marketing consulting, outsourcing and education company, since 2009. With well over 500 social media, internet marketing courses, marketing workshops, and seminars, under his belt – including the Social Media University and the Certified Social Media Marketing Specialist (TM) program – Sarmiento has become the consummate Master of Social Media Marketing training, education, and implementation.
Students are invited to roll up their sleeves and immediately launch successful social media campaigns by applying proprietary formulas such as G.A.S. and C.C.E., conducting marketing analysis with adwords, and selecting the appropriate platform for their businesses, along with understanding Social Media M-Levels and how it applies to the implementation of practical social media marketing strategies.
“So we’ll talk through all the conventional social media approaches but also delve into some of the non-conventional tools,” says Sarmiento. “And there are some very powerful ones out there to know about.”
He adds that this is a practical course with proven social media strategies, “Not a sales pitch, by any means.”
How You Get It
Seating is limited. Fee is $97, but is free for all Doral Chamber of Commerce members. The next class takes place Dec. 3. Day-of check in is between 8:30 and 9 a.m.; and the seminar takes place from 9 to 12:30 p.m. To register in advance and get details visit: www.doralchamber.org/events/ or contact Carmen Lopez, New Media New Marketing, Inc./Doral Chamber of Commerce at 305-477-7600 or via email at carmen@doralchamber.com.
The Doral Chamber of Commerce Training Center is located at 2900 NW 112th Ave, Unit 1, Doral, FL 33172
Upcoming Training Center Offerings:
Nov 12 Unleash Your Leadership Potential and Crush It in 2020
Nov 19 SEO Search Engine Optimization Live (SEO) Training
Nov 23 QuickBooks for Business Course in Spanish
Dec 03 Social Media Marketing Mastery Live Course
Dec 07 QuickBooks for Business Course in English
About the Trainer
Sarmiento has created and implemented entrepreneurship and business education programs that help develop the skills of business owners and executives. He teaches business and marketing skills to entrepreneurs to help create prosperity in their business and in their lives. He has been teaching Web Optimization, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media, Marketing, WordPress, and other marketing and business skills since 2007, and has operated businesses in Doral since 2005.
About the Chamber
Created to meet the needs of a thriving business community of small to medium sized companies in Doral and surrounding areas that need assistance and support in growing their business, The Doral Chamber of Commerce is a 501 (c)(6) non-profit, community professional service organization, founded in January 2008 by Manny Sarmiento and Carmen Lopez. The Chamber’s focus is to educate its members with seminars, workshops, networking, and other educational events.