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Captain Omar Blanco, a dedicated Miami-Dade firefighter and staunch conservative, proudly announces his candidacy for the Florida House of Representatives in District 115. The seat will be vacated as the current representative will be running for Supervisor of Elections in Miami-Dade County.

As a Captain in the Miami-Dade County Fire Department and former President of Metro-Dade Firefighters Local 1403, Omar Blanco has demonstrated his ability to lead under pressure and deliver results for his community. His tireless efforts have not only saved lives but also shaped legislation at the local, state, and federal level, including the passage of crucial bills like the firefighter cancer coverage in Florida. Unlike career politicians and Tallahassee insiders, Omar brings a new perspective given his experience on the front lines protecting and serving the community.

“Growing up in a conservative household, I learned the values of hard work, public service, and personal responsibility,” stated Omar Blanco. “I am ready to fight for the ideals that make Florida great by protecting our freedoms, ensuring limited government, safeguarding our individual liberties, and focusing on common-sense policies over misguided woke ideologies,” added Omar Blanco, standing firm in his commitment to our conservative values.

“I am committed to tackling the pressing issues facing our community. From addressing soaring property insurance rates to eliminating red tape, keeping taxes low, and ensuring a high-quality education for our students, I am dedicated to finding practical solutions that benefit our community,” said Omar Blanco.

Omar Blanco, with over 20 years of dedicated service as a firefighter and public servant, is not only a loving husband to Carolina Blanco, a Miami-Dade Public School Teacher with over 15 years of experience, but also a proud father to their two children, Kevin and Lauren. As a Captain for the Miami-Dade Fire Department, Omar has exemplified excellence in his field, earning recognition for his commitment to service. On September 30, 2021, during a ceremony at the Florida State Capitol, Omar was honored with the 2020 Florida Professional Firefighter of the Year Award.

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