Some 300 delegates statewide are expected to attend this year’s Florida Girls State taking place June 5-13. This is the 73rd session of Girls State in Florida.
In April ,Palmetto Bay’s American Legion Post 133’s Women’s Auxiliary hosted an orientation meeting to let this year’s delegates, alternates and their parents know what to expect during the trip to Tallahassee and the week’s visit to the State Capitol. The 14th District is made up of American Legion Units from Key West to North Miami.
“This year we liked that the girls were enthusiastic about going to Girls State,” said Stacy Cusano, 14th District Girls State chair.
“All of the girls mingled together and made friends quickly. The orientation session was very informative for the girls. It informed them about transportation, what to pack and what to expect while in Tallahassee.”
The Florida Girls State program is designed to instill an understanding of the privileges and responsibilities of citizenship and public service. Each year the young women delegates have a chance to learn about America’s democratic form of government through first-hand experience.
The delegates will arrive early in the morning at Post 133 for final paperwork checks and to board busses that will take them to Tallahassee. There will be more than 35 staff members and six State Troopers accompanying the girls at all times, and they will stay in dormitories on the campus of Florida State University. The girls will form their own city governments, run for office, write bills and attend actual State Capitol meetings to observe how things work.