Good nutrition helps fuel young athletes to perform their best

Good nutrition helps fuel young athletes to perform their best
Good nutrition helps fuel young athletes to perform their best
Dr. Carolyn Kienstra

Kids do not always eat well when left to their own devices, but a focus on nutrition is always important, particularly if you are raising a young athlete. As a new school year begins, physicians at the University of Miami Sports Medicine Institute encourage parents to learn more about how to fuel young athletes’ bodies properly so they can perform their best.

Of course, better nutrition is important for all kids. However, if your children are athletes, eating a healthy, balanced diet may be even more critical. Kids tend to get the amount of food that they need; but, the problem with kids, particularly teenagers, is that they often do not eat at the right time to get the energy they require for competition. They also tend to not get the nutrients to use as fuel for energy, strong bones and an overall balanced diet.

How kids eat
Dr. Carolyn Kienstra, a pediatric sports medicine physician with UHealth, has noticed quite a few problems among teens that can lead to diminished athletic performance.

“First, many young athletes skip breakfast,” she said. “And when I get athletes who are skipping meals and snacks, they often experience extreme hunger, cravings and then will tend to overeat whatever is at hand, such as pizza or chips.”

Dr. Kienstra notes the fallout from this cycle of eating poorly is low energy, decreased focus and poor performance on the field, or worse.

“Athletes who do not consume enough energy can experience stunted growth, delayed puberty, loss of muscle mass, menstrual irregularities and are at an increased risk for injury,” she says.

How young athletes should eat
Though teens and other young athletes often do not make nutrition their primary focus, it is critical during this time when both their body and their brain are still growing and developing. Dr. Kienstra said that it all starts at breakfast.

“By consuming a nutrient-dense breakfast, this essentially starts the day off right,” she said. “Then, by eating ever few hours, they can keep their energy levels stable.”

When it comes to the components that make up a young athlete’s daily diet, protein, carbohydrates and nutrients such as calcium and iron are all critically important.

“Carbohydrates are primary energy sources for the brain and skeletal muscle,” she said. “Quality carbohydrates sources include whole grains, fruit and milk. Protein is also important for young athletes, as it is builds muscle, fights infection, helps wounds heal and reduces post-exercise muscle soreness. Quality protein sources include chicken, fish and lean beef.”

Dr. Kienstra adds that young athletes should also not skimp on the fruits and veggies.

“Fruits and vegetables are the best package for these vitamins and minerals, as they also have many other components that are beneficial,” she said. “When you take the vitamins and minerals as supplements instead of eating healthy, you lose these important chemicals.”

Game and practice day nutrition

When there is a game or a practice coming up, a young athlete can further optimize performance by focusing on the right foods at the right times. The University of Miami Sports Medicine Institute recommends balanced, carb-heavy meals two to three hours before game time, while a snack such as a granola bar is great anywhere from 30 minutes or an hour before.

And don’t forget recovery, Dr. Kienstra said.

“For the food related to games and practice, it’s also important to consume a mix of carbohydrates and protein after a game or practice, ideally within 30 minutes, for recovery,” she said.

Of course, young athletes are likely going to need a little prodding to start adopting these healthy habits, and that is where parents can help.

“Parents can help by having their kids help in the kitchen,” Dr. Kienstra said. “By creating healthy meals together, the kids are usually more accepting of the healthy foods. Also, by stocking the fridge with fruit and yogurt instead of chips and cookies, young athletes have no choice but to choose those foods.”

The University of Miami Sports Medicine Institute provides professional, personalized care for athletes of all ages at three convenient locations with the goal of helping you “recover your game.” For more information, call 305-689-5555, option 2, or visit To join the conversation, follow @UHealthSports and use #RYG.

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