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By Mayor Felicia M. Brunson
Happy Anniversary West Park! Another year has passed, last year has gone into the history books and it is hard to believe that March 2024 has arrived. As I look back at the past year, it’s very important to thank the Commission, City Manager and the City Staff for the countless hours they contributed toward making West Park a better place to live and enjoy. Thank you for another outstanding year!

To all residents who volunteered and put in hundreds of hours at our Commission meetings and events in the City: Thank you! We couldn’t accomplish all that we did, and be the city we are, without your efforts. Let’s take a moment to reflect on the past while also looking boldly ahead to the future with hope and optimism. It’s hard to believe, that it’s our 19th anniversary! What a remarkable journey it’s been. When we started this city, we had nothing. I mean no office, no telephones, no computers, and nothing to change any of that.

As we look back over the past 19 years, there have been some difficult times. But the City of West Park has come through them strong as ever. We made a statement to ourselves and to the naysayers about what it means to be an open and welcoming community. We chose to define ourselves not by a failed feasibility study, but instead by the common-sense realities we experience every day. We’ve had to make difficult choices for sure, but we’ve come through leaner and more efficient.
I am proud of where West Park is today. We have not been content to tread water or sit idle. Instead, we have continued to develop our economy, strengthen our neighborhoods and create new opportunities for residents. Wisely we have remained steadfast in our commitment to transforming West Park into one of the most vibrant, innovative and sustainable cities in Broward County.
Now a new year lies before us. It is like a book with blank pages and we get to write the words. I have tried to think of a title for the coming years and so far, it is “Opportunity.” We each have the opportunity to make this city even better if only we take advantage of it.
I invite residents to attend the annual State of the City Address on Wednesday, March 20, 2024 at 6:00pm at City Hall. This is when I will share our accomplishments this last year and share the vision for the upcoming year.
We are proud residents of this beautiful city because we live here, worship here, and pay our taxes here. That statement is as true today as it was 19 years ago.
I once heard it said that today’s success is the result of yesterday’s plan. From my own experience, I have certainly found that to be true. I am more optimistic than ever about our beautiful city. I know that the coming years will be exciting as we move forward.
This 19th anniversary is an opportunity to reaffirm our plan. This is an opportunity to recognize that we are made better when we see our strengths in one another and reject the fear and barriers some self-interested individuals seek to create. It’s not a time to rest. It’s a time of renewal. It’s a time to build, to create, and to advance; it’s a time to make investments in our families, in our businesses, and in our community.
We need to re-establish our priorities for the future.
It’s a time to make sure that we make the kind of investments that will serve us well for our future. And I know, all of us working together, we’re all capable of doing that. That commitment should be stronger today than ever. Instead of creating havoc, we must share a dedication to building a bright future for West Park. That’s what gives me hope.
There’s no doubt that the city we’ve created is one of the best in Broward County today. And each of you are a part of what’s made us great as a city. You help add that tremendous value to West Park. You are part of the over 15,000 different individuals who collectively make up our fabric, in a city where your investment as a taxpayer yields extraordinary returns. Working together will insure a bright future for all of us. I am certain we can come together in our shared love for this city to find answers, identify solutions, remove barriers and ultimately create a healthy, respective community. I look forward to staying connected with you and invite and encourage you to engage in all that is going on in the city to help shape the policies and direction of our collective future.
Although nineteen years have passed since the first time I swore to justly, impartially and faithfully perform the duties as your community servant, my reverence for that oath is no less today than it was that first day; those words still humble and inspire me. I pledge to you that I will continue to serve with integrity and courage to do what is right.
So today is a day of promise. Our challenge is to seize that promise by rededicating ourselves to the common good and to a shared vision for our community’s future. That future must be one in which West Park remains the best it could be for all generations.
The Commission and I must do our part in meeting the challenge of being fiscally responsible. But we know the challenge of maintaining our City’s fiscal health will be even greater in 2024. We must avoid the tendency to compartmentalize financial decisions. The reality is that most of the matters we vote on throughout the year have a financial impact, which means we must be cognizant of the financial cost of every action.
We must generate new tax revenue through development. We must build on our recent successes and continue growing our tax base. But residents must also understand there is a need for government to provide services that are important to the quality of life, such as well-run recreational programs, senior transportation services, and to undertake public improvements.
We will continue to improve our infrastructure such as beautification projects. It means that we will continue improvements to our parks and recreational areas, with innovative maneuvers. It also means that we will continue to invest in public safety with our police department. During all this we must realize our community’s future should also be one that is environmentally sustainable.
Yes, West Park is a small city, but with incredible potential. It is a city where good things are going to happen, and good people are making them happen! It’s a place to call home, and I look forward seeing the positive progression in the coming years of the City of West Park! So, let’s go boldly into the next decade to fearlessly face our challenges, embrace our opportunities and build on our progress as #OneWestPark. Working together, I know we will make it happen.
That is my vision. Some may say this vision is too ambitious. I disagree. It was Robert Kennedy who said, “The future does not belong to those who are content with today, apathetic toward common problems and their fellow man alike, timid and fearful in the face of bold projects and new ideas. Rather the future will belong to those who can blend passion, reason and courage in a personal commitment to the ideals of American society.”
I ask everyone to blend passion, reason and courage to better West Park. I ask everyone to join me in committing ourselves fully to the common good and our shared vision, and to believe in a brighter future for our community.
Believe in your city and its residents. Believe in the vitality of your neighborhoods, your businesses, our schools and houses of worship. Believe in the strength of our families, our diversity, our young people and our senior citizens. Believe that when West Park works together, we can overcome the challenges we face. Join me in believing that our City’s future is bright and that the best is yet to come.
As we move forward, I am optimistic. May West Park be healthy, happy and prosperous. May West Park be consistently #OneWestPark!