Inquiring minds want to know who is going to be the next mayor of South Miami, now that the current mayor, Phil Stoddard is termed out. So, lets take a look at what’s going on right now.
The next election is being held on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 and as of today Mark Lago is the only one that has filled out the paperwork to run for mayor.
It’s not going to be an easy ride for Mark,as some very reliable sources tell me that Horace Feliu wants to be your next mayor and that he’ll announce sooner or later. Horace, served as mayor a while back and he sure wants to serve once again.
The big surprise of the day is that I hear that current Commissioner Josh Liebman, wants to be called Mr. Mayor, or your Honor and is willing to do what it takes to move on up the political ladder.
By the time current Mayor Philip K. Stoddard has completed his final day in office, he’ll have taken care of some truly major issues, or at least got things moving forward, such as the approval of the redevelopment of the Shops of Sunset Place, as well as the moving forward on the plans to redevelop the Winn-Dixie property into a mixed-use residential tower called South Miami Town Square. And perhaps the dream of a brand new city hall just might happen, as well as a new police station being built right next to the Post Office.
That’s truly a lot to have bring forth during the last few years of this administration. And now I wonder out loud: What remains to be done?
Would love to hear from residents of the city, What would you like to see get done in the next two years and What are your top priorities?
If you have any ideas, feel free to send an email to with your list of top stuff to do. You can also post your comments on our website or on Facebook.
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