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(Photo credit: NPS Photo)
The National Park Service is seeking public comments on changes to campground fees under consideration for Biscayne National Park to enhance visitor services and better address common campground issues such as noise complaints, trash disposal, resource damage and facilities maintenance.
The change in fees would take effect on Jan. 1, 2022 at the park’s Boca Chita and Elliott Keys campgrounds.
“The proposed fee plan would enable Biscayne National Park to enhance safety, security and overall campground management,” said Biscayne National Park Superintendent Penelope Del Bene. “The public’s feedback on this proposal is important to us and will help inform plans to provide the kind of park experience our visitors deserve.”
Under the park’s proposal, visitors would see a $10 across the board fee increase at both campgrounds. The increase also would cover administration fees associated with shifting campsite payments from a cash-based honor system to Scan and Pay, an on-site payment tool on the mobile app.
Current rates (proposed 2022 rates):
Boca Chita Docking and Camping, $25/night ($35/night)
Boca Chita Camping Only, $15/night ($25/night)
Elliott Key Docking and Camping, $25/night ($35/night)
Elliott Key Camping Only, $15/night ($25/night )
Eighty percent of campground fee revenue stays at the park to fund projects related to visitor experience, including the repair, maintenance, and enhancement of campground facilities, among other uses. The remaining percentage is allocated for visitor experience improvements at non-fee parks in the National Park System. Recent examples of how Biscayne National Park has invested camping fee revenue to carry out park projects include: improving campsite signage, replacing picnic tables and grills, and updating the campground comfort stations.
Boca Chita and Elliott Key offer unique national park camping experiences in that the campgrounds are only accessible by boat. Both locations feature beautiful waterfront views, a grassy camping area, docks, restrooms, picnic tables and grills. Recreation opportunities like these at Biscayne National Park contributed to boosting the local economy with visitors spending $46.2 million on hotels, gas, restaurants, and other services resulting in 606 jobs in the local communities in 2019.
Comments regarding the park’s proposed fee-increase may be submitted electronically on the NPS Planning, Environment, and Public Comment (PEPC) website through Oct. 7 at:
Written comments may be sent to:
National Park Service
Biscayne National Park
Attn: Superintendent
9700 SW 328 Street
Homestead, FL 33033
For additional information about Biscayne National Park, visit the website at